August 28, 2023 | Susan Napier-Sewell

How Does TapRooT® RCA Fit Into Your Strategic Plan?


About TapRooT® implementation: The first important action is to plot your strategic plan.

  • How does TapRooT® fit into your strategy, your strategic plan?
  • How does your implementation fit into your strategy?
  • How do you sustain your strategy?

The way in which you implement TapRooT® is important. It should be implemented properly, and you will need a good strategy, a strong strategic plan.

  • What do you expect the result to be when you finish?
  • Where do you want to get to?
  • What is your roadmap for getting there?

About your strategic plan: Get everyone invested and involved—from employees to leadership to management

It has to be a team effort, meaning everyone works together. If you don’t have management buy-in and a cohesive strategy—including buy-in from the people who will actually be doing the job—there will be issues.

The first TapRooT® resource to employ in your implementation is the TapRooT® Leadership Lessons book.

TapRooT® is not just a root cause methodology. It’s an entire plan, a complete program.

Develop your strategic plan: Why should it take two years to develop something when you have something that can be implemented right now?

As TapRooT® professionals emphasize, “Speed wins.” By this, they mean that implementing TapRooT® is not a long, drawn-out process.  

Regarding TapRooT® being a program that’s ready for you to implement, we don’t just train you, throw you on an island, and let you try to paddle water. We have plans and programs. We can help you put together a roadmap for success . . . a plan that works for you . . . a full program for improving your business. It’s not just safety; it’s not just operations; it’s not just quality—it’s everything.

The second TapRooT® resource to employ in your implementation is the TapRooT® Implementation book.

So, you establish your implementation program and get it launched. Now what?

Consistently improve your strategic plan

You’ll monitor it and improve it to be proactive . . . which brings us to the third TapRooT® resource: TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Audits and Proactive Performance Improvement shows you how to apply the TapRooT® methodology to preventing problems before they occur. The proactive side of your plan is extremely important in both the big picture and day-to-day running of your management system.

The best way to keep going and growing in your strategic plan and management system: Attend the annual Global TapRooT® Summit

Over 35 years, the Summit has grown to an international event with world-renowned speakers and multiple tracks designed to share performance improvement and root cause analysis best practices across industries and professions.

strategic plan

Learn where “management system” came from

Learn about where “management system” originated by reading TapRooT® Co-founder Mark Paradies’ article here.

The best root cause analysis leads to effective corrective actions

The TapRooT® System teaches you to be a very effective problem-solver. The System is a process with techniques to investigate, analyze, and develop corrective actions to solve problems. The TapRooT® process and tools are completely described in the TapRooT® Investigation Essentials Book Set.

Register for a TapRooT® course

TapRooT® courses are taught all over the world. If you are interested in learning how to stop repeat incidents, find a 2-Day or 5-Day course here. Or, we are available to train you and your staff on-site at your workplace; reach out here to discuss your needs. Call us at 865.539.2139 for any questions you may have. 

Keep in touch to improve your problem-solving skills

We’re always teaching and helping you improve your professional root cause analysis skills. Stay current with your root cause analysis skills and training by:

Implementation, Operational Excellence
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