November 15, 2022 | Mark Paradies

When Repeat Simple Incidents Look Like a Trend – What Do You Do?


Management Says it Looks Like a Trend

Have you ever had several fairly low-risk incidents happen with what seems like similar causes (but you didn’t do a root cause analysis), and management gets excited and says:

“It’s a trend!”

What do you do?

Don’t Get Excited

First, most trends aren’t trends. They are normal variation.

How can you tell the difference? By trending performance using advanced (but simple) trending techniques.

Where can you learn advanced trending techniques? At a pre-Summit Course called:

Measurement, Trending, and Predictive Analytics:
How to Best Use Data to Improve Work

When is this course being held? On April 24-25.

Where is the course being held? The Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe, near Houston, Texas.

How do I register? You CLICK HERE.

What if you can’t attend the course? You can order this book…

Book 8: Trending

Just click on the picture above and fill out the order form.

What If I Need to Analyze the Incidents to Satisfy Management When it Isn’t a Trend?

Whether it is a trend or not, you have two options. The first is probably the most straightforward.

OPTION 1: Root Cause Analysis

If there are only a few of these incidents, you analyze them using the TapRooT® 5-Step Process. This process was designed for root cause analysis of low-to-medium risk incidents. The process is shown below…

Simple TapRooT® 5-Step Process

The process and techniques are taught in the 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course. See the upcoming public courses HERE.

Once you have completed each investigation/root cause analysis, you compare the results. Is there a common problem? A common Causal Factor or Root Cause? If so, you can suggest fixes for this Generic Problem.

Problem solved. No more crisis.

OPTION 2: Analyze The Generic Problem

If you have many of these types of incidents and they seem very similar, here is what you do…

First, draw a generic SnapCharT® Diagram of the process that is experiencing the incidents.

Next, identify the Causal Factors and associated information that is involved in each incident and put that information on the SnapCharT® Diagram.

Next, identify Generic Causal Factors (Causal Factors that are in all or most of the incidents).

Take these Generic Causal Factors through the Root Cause Tree® Diagram and identify their root causes. These will be Generic Causes because they have been experienced in multiple incidents.

Use the Corrective Action Helper® Guide to develop your fixes. Implement them, and you are done. No more problems with that type of incident.

Where can you learn to use the process and techniques described above? In our TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses. See the dates and locations of upcoming courses HERE.

Why Choose TapRooT® RCA for this Analysis?

Because you want the best root cause analysis system that was designed for root cause analysis of simple incidents and major accidents. A system that has been proven by industry leaders around the world. A system with training that comes with a GUARANTEE…

Attend a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course, go back to work, and use what
you have learned to analyze accidents, incidents, near-misses,
equipment failures, operating issues, or quality problems.
If you don’t find root causes that you previously would have
overlooked and if you and your management don’t agree
that the corrective actions that you recommend are much more
effective, just return your course materials
and we will refund the entire course fee.

That’s how sure we are that TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis will help you achieve improved performance.

Root Cause Analysis, Root Cause Analysis Tips
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