Rage Against the Machine – Why Equipment Failures are NOT Equipment Failures (FREE Webinar)

When we discuss root cause analysis in our courses, people seem to quickly understand that people don’t make mistakes on purpose. There are human performance issues at our companies that allow people to make mistakes. This becomes obvious as we discuss human error and mistakes.
And yet, when people encounter an equipment failure, they almost immediately focus on the failure itself, and ignore the human performance issues involved. We feel comfortable blaming the equipment for failures, and this is directly reflected in the corrective actions we put in place:
- Repair the equipment
- Replace the component
- Put a back-up system online
- Hope it doesn’t fail again
In the upcoming FREE webinar, “Rage Against the Machine”, we’ll take a look at how we traditionally approach equipment failures, and then discuss more effective methods of attacking equipment failures. Sign up today!
Rage Against the Machine – Equipment Failure Troubleshooting & Root Cause Analysis (FREE)