February 22, 2024 | Mark Paradies

Nearby Root Cause Analysis Training

Where is the nearest TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course?

I frequently have people ask if we will have a root cause analysis course near their site. The answer could be YES! Why? Because you can schedule a course at YOUR SITE. (And that IS nearby!)

If you have 10 or more people to train, you will probably save money compared to the course fees for one of our Public TapRooT® Courses. And that’s especially true if all your folks have to travel and stay at a hotel.

So, CONTACT US for a quote for a TapRooT® RCA Course at your site. Or call us at 865-539-2139.

What About Public TapRooT® RCA Training?

See the public TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training (including virtual courses):

See the complete schedule at THIS LINK.

Register today!

Courses & Training
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