UPDATE, Sept. 2, 2021 – The Surfside Condo Collapse: What Have We Learned So Far?

The U.S. was collectively horror-stricken at the sudden partial collapse of a Surfside condo in June 2021.
Scroll to the bottom for the latest update.
On June 24, 2021, a portion of Champlain Towers South, a 12-story condominium in Surfside, Florida, near Miami Beach, collapsed around 1:30 am. It was one of the most deadly structural collapses in U.S. history.
The video below summarizes events of this unthinkable tragedy, a few of the structural engineering issues that may have played a part, and finally the process of forensic structural investigations.
“Last victim brings death toll at the partial building collapse to 98″*
From Aljazeera,* we learn that “the final victim of the condo building collapse in Florida has been identified” . . . “more than a month after the middle-of-the-night catastrophe that ultimately claimed 98 lives.”
Insights from The Wall Street Journal article, “Behind the Florida Condo Collapse: Rampant Corner-Cutting” inform us that “thin columns and faulty concrete emerge as leading possibilities in Champlain Towers South tragedy.” Read the article to glean further details.
What are your thoughts about the Surfside condo video as well as the collapse itself?
Source: Practical Engineering, YouTube, “Surfside Condo Collapse: What We Know So Far,” August 17, 2021.
UPDATE, Sept. 2, 2021
From The New York Times (NYT): The garage is where initial problems surfaced on the day of the collapse. Minutes before the tower fell, a witness captured video looking down the garage ramp that showed debris and water pouring from above, perhaps from a broken pipe. Learn more about the Surfside collapse from the interactive NYT model and investigation here.
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