May 21, 2018 | Susan Napier-Sewell

Why Use the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Method for Quality?

If you missed the Quality Problem-Solving session on Facebook Live with TapRooT® professionals Benna Dortch and Chris Vallee, here is another opportunity to get in on the discussion.

Why use the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Method for Quality from TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis on Vimeo.

Chris has brought our clients a keener understanding of “quality” with his expertise. Here is a sample:

We can all remember some type of major product recall that affected us in the past (tires, brakes, medicine, etc.) or recalls that may be impacting us today (air bags). These recalls all have a major theme—a company made something and somebody got hurt or worse. This is a theme of “them versus those” perception.

Stop and ask, When is the last time quality and safety were discussed as one topic in your current company’s operations?

You received a defective tool or product …
You issued a defective tool or product …
A customer complained …
A customer was hurt …

Each of the occurrences above often triggers an owner for each type of problem:

The supplier …
The vendor …
The contractor …
The manufacturer …
The end user …

We can stop and ask, Who would investigate each type of problem? What tools would each group use to investigate? What are their expertise and experiences in investigation, evidence collection, root cause analysis, corrective action development, or corrective action implementation?

This is where we create our own internal silos for problem-solving; each problem often has its own department as listed in the company’s organizational chart:

  1. Customer Service (Quality)
  2. Manufacturing (Quality or Engineering)
  3. Supplier Management (Supply or Quality)
  4. EHS (Safety)
  5. Risk (Quality)
  6. Compliance (?)

The investigations then take the shape of the tools and experiences of those departments’ training and experiences.

Does anyone else see a problem or an opportunity here?

Circle your calendar for TapRooT® TV this Wednesday and connect with us


NOTE: Remember to save the date for the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit: June 14-18 in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Root Cause Analysis
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