How Far IS TapRooT® Ahead of Other Root Cause Systems?
TapRooT® Provides the First Computerized Root Cause Analysis Workstation
How far ahead is TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis? Let’s start by looking back to the past.
How far in the past? 26 years. When? January 1994!
What occurred in January 1994? The release of the first computerized root cause analysis workstation.
Who released it? System Improvements – the TapRooT® Folks.
What did we call it? The “Investigation Team Workstation.”
What did it include?
1. MacTapRooT® Software (version 1.0 – Mac version).
2. Events & Causal Factors Charting Template and MacFlow Software (version 1.0 – mac version).
3. A Macintosh Plus (pictured above).
4. A portable inkjet printer.
5. A Mac backpack to haul it all.
This was a semi-portable root cause analysis workstation. It was way ahead of its time.
I thought I had a picture of me using it (I actually took it on a plane to use in an investigation) but I can’t seem to find it (way before digital pictures – we were still using Polaroids for investigation photos).
We sold several Investigation Team Workstations to clients who wanted to computerize their root cause analysis (we actually became a Mac reseller for a short period of time).
We even updated the workstation to the PowerBook 165 when they came out later in 1994 and later to a Kangaroo Mac (you have to be a Mac lover to remember those clones).
I would say that put System Improvements and TapRooT® at least a decade ahead of any other system. And that’s like a millennium in computer time.
How Far Are We Ahead NOW?
System Improvements and the TapRooT® System are still setting the pace for advanced root cause analysis. We have constantly improved the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System to keep it years (if not decades) ahead of other root cause analysis tools.
We have continually improved our software. We are on TapRooT® Software Version 6.7.0. And better than that, we can host your software in the cloud and make your software experience painless. For more about hosting see: https://www.taproot.com/are-you-being-hosted-taproot-vi-software-hosting-is-the-suite-solution/
But There’s MORE!
We don’t sit still. We are continually improving the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System and providing ways for our clients to improve their knowledge.
One of the best ways to keep up with the state-of-the-art in root cause analysis and performance improvement is to attend the Global TapRooT® Summit.
Each year the Summit brings you experts to share their knowledge, Keynote Speakers to inform and inspire, networking and benchmarking with the industries smartest folks, and pre-Summit Courses for valuable learning of important information.
Just one example … This year we will be sharing a new, better way to identify Causal Factors. There are actually four new Causal Factor Worksheets and all four worksheets are built into the TapRooT® 6.7.0 Software.
Want to see the schedule for the 2020 Global TapRooT® Summit? CLICK HERE.
When is the 2020 Global TapRooT® Summit? March 9-13.
Where is it being held? Near Austin, TX, at the Horseshoe Bay Resort (probably our favorite Summit location).
How can you register for one of the ten special pre-Summit Courses and the 2020 Global TapRooT® Summit? Simple, just CLICK HERE to get started.
Click on the brochure below to download your copy.